Small changes to the way we think can have a very big effect on our overall happiness. Psychologist Bruce Hood shares seven happiness hacks that we can incorporate into everyday life which can boost our mood in the long term.
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Understanding ADHD: your questions answered
In this special edition, Specialist ADHD Coach, Ian Hall returns to answer the many questions that were asked during the Wellbeing Wednesday 'Understanding ADHD'.
The four thoughts that f..k you up
When you free your mind from the thoughts that f**k you up, you’ll never look at anything the same way again. Want to get started? Highly experienced psychotherapist Daniel Fryer can stop these thoughts from messing up your life using a simple, but effective model. This approach is especially helpful if you struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, anger or self-doubt. Or if you want to improve your relationships with family, colleagues and peers or, simply, yourself.
Connecting with nature
Forest therapy guide, Sam Wright, discusses our connection with nature, why it is important, and how we can introduce more nature to our work and personal lives.